Wednesday, September 5, 2012

White Wheat: A Quick Tip

I have a really great post planned about the dairy industry, but I don't have the time to get into it just yet -- the day job is keeping me very busy this week as I try to catch up from a slow long weekend.  In the meanwhile, I do have a great baking tip for people who want to start cooking with whole grains. 

Whole wheat flour has a very familiar taste and texture.  It's toothy and heavy and a little nutty, and it's delicious but also a bit too hardcore for many types of foods.  If you're making cookies or cake or something, whole wheat flour is just too heavy. 

Here's the solution:  White wheat. 

No, that's not the same as bleached white flour.  It's a whole wheat flour that's made out of a particular strain of albino wheat.  The wheat is lighter in color and softer in texture.  Dough you make with it has this lovely golden-cream coloration, and you can hardly tell the difference when you make cookies or other things. 

The brand I bought is Prairie Gold, which isn't certified organic but is certified chemical-free and non-GMO.  It was about $4 for a 5lb bag and I am extremely pleased with it.  You can also get white wheat flour from King Arthur, Gold and various other flour-makers. 

If you do a lot of baking, you might also want to spring for the slightly more expensive wheat pastry flour.  This is whole wheat flour that's ground more finely than normal flour, so you can use it in making various pastries, pie crusts, etc. 

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